
Water Wise Safety Tips For Parents
By Mary Beth Sultenfuss Constant Supervision –this is the most difficult task for the parent or guardian of a young child. Don’t ever assume they can’t or won’t do something- as soon as you do, they will figure out how to do it! When there is more than one adult present, make one person responsible for watching the child. Don’t ever assume someone else is watching. Barriers – the more your child has to go through to get to the water the

Try A Little Tenderness
By Johnny Johnson There are many different philosophies concerning how a child can and should be taught to swim. I ascribe to what can be called the developmental approach. In this type of program, each of the child’s developmental characteristics is considered. Two key areas of concern are physical and emotional readiness. Too often only the child’s physical readiness is considered. Physically, a child may be capable of developing the arm and leg movements and balance control necessary to propel

The Benefits of Gentle Baby Swimming Programs
(Note: This is part three in an interview with swim expert Rob McKay about gentle swimming programs for young children.) How else can parents keep their little ones safe around water? What are the most important tools in your opinion? There is no greater place than the family pool. However, as water holds endless fascination for toddlers, you must take every precaution to prevent your child from entering the pool without you. Small children lack the cognitive ability to discern

Dive into Fall and Winter Swim Lessons at Aqua Duks Swim School’s Heated Indoor Pools
As the leaves change colors and the temperature drops, many people start packing away their swim gear and bid farewell to the poolside fun until the next warm season. However, at Aqua Duks Swim School, we believe that fall and winter months are the perfect time to dive into swim lessons, especially when you have access to our indoor heated pools. In fact, there are several compelling reasons why enrolling in swim lessons during these colder months can be incredibly